CMS’ new mandatory episode-based payment model, the Transforming Episode Accountability Model (TEAM), is scheduled to begin Jan. 1, 2026, affecting reimbursement for five high-volume surgical procedures. Data is key for hospitals to prepare for TEAM and to understand how markets will be impacted throughout the nation.
Key takeaways:
Join our Mandatory CMS TEAM Model: Using Simulated Episode of Care to Evaluate Risk & Opportunity webinar on March 25, at 1 p.m. EST. During this one-hour session you’ll learn:
- the value of “simulated episodes of care” for hospitals preparing for TEAM
- how hospitals across the country are currently positioned for TEAM using real data
- how episode cost drivers vary across different U.S. regions
- impactful analyses to drive value-based care transformation.
Who should attend:
This webinar is geared toward hospitals with mandatory participation status for TEAM and hospitals that have voluntarily opted into the model. Clinical, financial, operational and analytical staff all have a role in implementing TEAM and can benefit from this webinar.
Alyssa Dahl, MPH, CPH — VP, Advanced Analytics, DataGen
Alyssa Dahl, a healthcare leader in payment and policy modeling, helps providers succeed in value-based revenue and population health initiatives. With expertise in epidemiology, Medicare policy and quality measurement, her team delivers custom analytic solutions and interactive data platforms.
John Kalamaras, MS — Director, Business Intelligence Analytics, DataGen
John Kalamaras’ expertise in Medicare bundled payment policy and background in biostatistics and mathematics enable him to focus on translating policy into actionable analytics, optimizing workflows, developing cutting-edge products and enhancing the user experience. He has provided data-driven support for participants in various Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services and Center for Medicare and Medicaid.