Team-based, coordinated care is critical to the ACO model. As patients move between primary care physicians, specialists, hospitals, and other healthcare providers it is difficult to maintain a comprehensive patient record. Avoiding duplicative or unnecessary care and identifying gaps in care are particular challenges for practices that use disparate EHRs.
- Listen to learn how other ACOs have met challenges such as:
Sharing patient records securely between primary care practices, specialists, hospitals, skilled nursing facilities, social services, paramedic services, and more - Communicating with clinicians outside of the practice with contextual clinical data
- Receiving alerts when patients are seen in an ER or hospital
- Identifying gaps in care
- Avoiding repetitive care and conflicting prescriptions
Our speakers:
- Mr. Vik Shshardri — VP of Product Development, eMedApps
- Mr. Ed. Worthington — Northern Physicians Organization Director
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