Now that you’ve made the decision to start your path to Alternative Payment Models (APMs), what’s the first thing you need to consider? Hint: APM revenue calculation does not top the list.
Obviously, APM revenue generation vis-à-vis traditional Fee-for-Service is critical. But those calculations assume constancy of two essential “assets”—clinicians and patients. Your competition is working hard to grow these same resources for their own operations. The easiest place to get them from is your organization. If you are following the growth of practice acquisitions from investor-backed health care companies and MSOs, payer practice acquisitions and retail giant investments in primary care, the numbers should stagger you.
You must support the pillars of your organization if your APM is to be successful. If you can’t retain your providers and patients, you can’t generate revenues under any revenue model. So, your first task is to assess your competitive environment and determine how your APM strategy can reinforce and grow at the expense of the competition’s.
Let’s face it: In 2022, you are already running to catch up to the competition. It’s time to get to know who they are and what they’re bringing.