Is it possible for disparities between population cohorts to be overcome or neutralized through technology? I believe the answer is yes. Over the past year, COVID-19 has magnified the gaps in healthcare on a large scale. We see this in higher rates of the virus in people of color, through the access or lack thereof to testing sites in poverty-stricken neighborhoods and especially in vaccine distribution among Caucasian verses minority groups.
The facts force us to ask ourselves, what does population health have to do with it? How can technology really change the outcome of a person’s health? And, if 80% of the nation’s health care dollars are spent on 20% of the population, how do we as healthcare leaders use technology and the resources at hand to do better? In this article I attempt to answer these questions and provide guidance for those leaders looking to make a change.
The author of this article, Dr. Seth Sanjay, is Executive Vice President of HealthEC. Check out the HealthEC Exhibit Booth!