Despite its challenges, value-based care has shown great promise in improving health outcomes and access to care, particularly among traditionally underserved or high-risk patient populations.
That was the view of participants in the panel discission, “The Risky Business of Value-Based Care” at the 2022 HLTH conference in Las Vegas. Panel moderator Sara Pinto, a partner in the venture investment firm Emerson Collective, began by pointing out that currently only about 20% of Medicare reimbursements are value-based. But given the flaws in fee-for-service medicine, “in a lot of ways we need value-based care to work, and we all hope it will.”
Panelist Corbin Petro, co-founder and CEO of Eleanor Health, a company that provides mental health and substance abuse services, said that 90% of the population they serve are not connected to primary care. “We know we can engage with this population and improve the health, but we can only do it by taking on financial risk,” she said. “I think that’s the promise of value-based care, especially for populations that the health care system traditionally has left behind.”