A group of eight national healthcare associations this week called on the U.S. Congress to help move the movement around alternative payment models (APMs) forward, noting the sluggish uptake in participation among providers. The eight groups are the American Medical Association (AMA), AMGA (the American Medical Group Association), America’s Physician Groups (APG), the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC), Health Care Transformation Task Force, Medical Group Management Association (MGMA), NAACOS (the National Association of ACOs) and the Premier healthcare alliance.
The press release, posted to NAACOS’ website, began thus: “Eight national groups who represent providers practicing value-based care urged Congress to do more to encourage the adoption of alternative payment models (APMs) in Medicare as a way to improve patient care and prolong the Medicare Trust Fund. In a statement for the record provided to the Senate Finance Committee on its hearing regarding the Hospital Insurance Trust Fund and the Future of Medicare Financing, the groups point to evidence that APMs improve quality and patient outcomes while having successfully lowered the rate of spending growth in Medicare.”