If you’re scratching your head about the direction of Value-Based Health Care (VBHC) in Medicare, you’re not alone. The current mix includes a swirl of separate initiatives, some new and others recently re-labeled.
As CMS pushes toward VBHC, providers may feel confused and frustrated as concepts emerge that will affect multiple programs. Within the last several months, the Patients Over Paperwork and Meaningful Measures initiatives have shaken up CMS value-based care programs, particularly:
- Merit-Based Incentive Payment System (MIPS)
- Medicare Shared Savings Program ACOs (MSSP ACOs)
- Direct Provider Contracting (DPC)
Even more confounding, CMS is taking a non-linear development path for each—from idea inception to initiative and program, and from scope to quality and efficient care delivery. Each component is its own piece, complete with its own quirks and jargon.
But all is not lost! Providers that assemble a cohesive strategy from the component parts stand to win in the CMS VBHC arena. While the programs may appear disconnected, common themes link together target priorities. Achieving those targets creates the “win” for providers. Those who can’t establish a path to the right targets will remain stagnant and fall further behind their peers each year.