This week I saw the above heading on a promotional email from Healthjump. I clicked on a link to their live virtual exhibit room and was very impressed by the overall experience and my interaction with the team. Further, I thought this was exactly the message that should be sent from the ACO ExhibitHall (ACOEH) to all those exhibitors wanting to reach ACO decision makers at HIMSS20 and other tradeshows. The virtual ACO ExhibitHall is never cancelled and is always open for business!
Since the HIMSS20 cancellation, I have received several emails from our Advisory Board members and exhibitor clients expressing a renewed appreciation for our virtual format. Unexpected factors, like the Coronavirus, can have a devastating effect on a marketing strategy heavily reliant on physical conferences & tradeshows. One of the emails included a link to an article listing 21 medical conference cancellations due to COVID-19. And unfortunately, it is not over. As of this morning, NAACOs also announced their decision to cancel their annual Spring Conference and offer a number of virtual sessions in its place.
In light of these events, it is becoming ever clearer that there is an immediate need for a virtual solution; a platform enabling a continuous business presence while remaining insulated from the unpredictable. For years our ACOEH staff has worked in conjunction with national and state ACO conferences as a means to “continue the conversations” that begin between exhibitors and conference attendees. However, as pandemics like COVID-19, flu viruses and other infectious disease outbreaks occur unpredictably, virtual conference options are increasingly appealing for both exhibitors and attendees.
In conclusion, we will be working with ACO executives and exhibitors alike to further grow and expand the ACOEH and even host live virtual symposiums in the near future. In the interim, we encourage any vendor organization with ACO related deliverables to enjoy the security of having a virtual presence in the ACOEH. Feel free to reach out directly if you would like to find out more, or visit our Exhibit With Us page to learn more.
John P. Schmitt,
ACOEH Executive Vice President
jschmitt@ACOExhibitHall.com / 423-304-4343